• (+39)
  • info@piccoemartini.it
    Monday, 02 November 2015 15:38

    Doors Sliding Internally to the Walls

    Systems retractable box in the wall with an aluminum frame; opening solutions from one or two opposing leaves so as to separate even large surfaces. Possibility for a day or a glass framed in aluminum profiles in different finishes.

    Picco & Martini S.r.l.
    P.IVA 07420230018
    Sede: Via Teofilo Casale, 1
    10070 Robassomero (Torino) Italia
    Tel. 011.4242133 - Fax 011.4241659
    E-mail info@piccoemartini.it

    Company Info

    Company headquarters: Torino, Principe Tommaso, 36
    Office of the Register of Enterprises: TO893213
    Registration number: 07420230018IT
    Share capital: € 150.000,000 fully paid

    N. reviews site: 187 - Score: 4.8 on 5


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