• (+39)
  • info@piccoemartini.it

    Registry tax

    Decree 223/2006 has introduced the obligation, as from 2007, to send by Information Technology to the Revenue the so-called "customer and supplier lists." For the year 2007 must also be indicated on the tax code of each subject.
    Therefore, please fill out the form below in all its fields.
    All fields marked with * are required.

    Company Data
    Sending Documents
    Destination Goods (if different from Company Data)
    Banking data
    Picco & Martini S.r.l.
    P.IVA 07420230018
    Sede: Via Teofilo Casale, 1
    10070 Robassomero (Torino) Italia
    Tel. 011.4242133 - Fax 011.4241659
    E-mail info@piccoemartini.it

    Company Info

    Company headquarters: Torino, Principe Tommaso, 36
    Office of the Register of Enterprises: TO893213
    Registration number: 07420230018IT
    Share capital: € 150.000,000 fully paid

    N. reviews site: 187 - Score: 4.8 on 5


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